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Applied Algebra 1 Syllabus

Plan: 1st Hour (8:00—8:49) ∞ Room 116 ∞

Second Lunch (12:02-12:29)

Course Description:

Applied Algebra 1 is a course meant to strengthen basic skills with real numbers and build more abstract algebraic thinking and representation.  It is the same content taught in first semester of Algebra 1, but at a slower pace with more support on basic skills.  Students learn how to work with variables, solve and graph equations, and model situations as functions. We will be using Google Classroom to communicate learning activities.  The textbook is Big Ideas 2022 AGA Algebra 1 and is online, accessed on student chromebooks through Classlink.  We will also be using the IXL program provided by the state of Kansas to help support student learning.

Materials needed for this class every day:

  • Charged school-issued computer – charged every night

  • Pen or Pencil

  • Lined paper – could be from spiral notebook or 3-ring binder

  • Student Handbook 

  • Any assignment due that day


Classroom Rules:

  1. Come to class PREPARED with materials listed above.

  2. Turn off and PUT AWAY your PHONE in the place provided.

  3. Bring only WATER with a clear cup and/or LID, or a coffee shop drink. No food unless on planned food days.

  4. Be RESPECTFUL of self, Mrs. Alexander, and other students.  No criticisms or put-downs.

  5. Give HONEST EFFORT by working on Math during class.  If you are done with one assignment, there are always skills you can work on.



  1. Verbal direction or reminder.

  2. Meet with me during advisory or after school (~10 minutes).

  3. Parent Contact.

  4. Detention (~30 minutes).

  5. Send to office (removed from classroom to visit with administration). 


Quarter Grades: 25% Classwork

                               75% Tests

Semester Grades: 40% each quarter

                                 20% Final Exam

Classwork is anything that is not a quiz or a test.  It includes any practice that is assigned for a grade, such as warmup problems at the beginning of class, assignments given after a lesson, any assigned practice on Big Ideas or IXL.   Classwork may be graded for completion and/or accuracy.  Late work will not receive full credit.

Some Tests are smaller and may be termed quizzes, and others are given at the end of a chapter and are summative tests.  These are graded for accuracy.  I may allow retakes and/or corrections to earn back missed points on quizzes and tests.  This is on a case-by-case basis.


Additional Help:  

Get help quickly when you need it!  Do not wait for the quiz or test!

I am often available from 7:45—8:00am and 3:10—3:45pm.  I will post the Scholars Bowl practice schedule and the E-Sports practice schedule once it is available.  I will not be available during those practices.    Other times feel free to come to my classroom and talk with me.  If you tell me in advance, I can also set up a specific time to meet with you.  

Important: If you are not being successful in class, I will likely schedule you a time to come in during Advisory to make a plan of improvement.