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Service Learning Ideas

Service-Learning is a mandatory graduation requirement

Here are 101 ideas get your required 10 hours your freshman and sophomore years and your 20 hours for your junior and senior years:

Use one of these ideas or come up with ideas of your own:

  1. Volunteer to serve and wash dishes for the Community Theater.
  2. Help with Cornfest.
  3. Work at a church bazaar.
  4. Organize a project for veterans – or help with one.
  5. Participate in Disaster Training classes.
  6. Help stuff envelopes for a local organization
  7. Help at Emergency Management training exercises.
  8. Volunteer to read stories to younger children, or better yet-
  9. Help teach a child to read.
  10. If you like reading, go to a nursing home and read to residents.
  11. Help with Autumn Blaze Days.
  12. Join F.C.C.L.A.
  13. Clean up after events like tractor pulls or mud runs.
  14. Volunteer to help deliver meals for the senior center.
  15. Join K.A.Y.
  16. Make “I Care” kits to send to soldiers stationed over seas.
  17. Join T.S.A.
  18. Volunteer at Eckan to pack and hand out food.
  19. Donate pop tabs for Ronald McDonald House.
  20. Adopt a “grand friend” and visit and help them.
  21. Go to an adult care facility and play games with residents.
  22. Go to a nursing home and help decorate for holidays.
  23. Rake leaves for a senior citizen.
  24. Help a neighbor or a senior citizen shovel out their driveway.
  25. Run errands for an elderly person in your neighborhood.
  26. Teach a Senior citizen how to use a computer or the internet.
  27. Paint a mural (with permission) somewhere in town.
  28. Work with local police to help set up a safety program for kids.
  29. Tutor a student who needs help in a subject you’re good at.
  30. Organize or donate to a canned goods drive.
  31. Organize or donate to a warm coat drive.
  32. Clean up a vacant lot or a local park.
  33. Organize a campaign to raise money for a city improvement.
  34. Plant flowers in a public area that could use some color.
  35. Pick weeds and help maintain Peggy’s Garden.
  36. Volunteer time working on the 4th street gardens.
  37. Volunteer to help kids with special needs.
  38. Sign up to be a Big Brother or Big Sister.
  39. Donate toys to Toys for Tots or to a children’s hospital.
  40. Write a letter to a political leader - get others to sign it.
  41. Organize a public issues forum in your community.
  42. Vote if you are 18 – get your 18 yr. old friends to if you are not.
  43. Offer to help a candidate pass out campaign materials.
  44. Plant a tree in memory of someone.
  45. Help people set up recycling systems for their homes.
  46. Organize a carpooling campaign.
  47. Adopt an acre of rainforest or an endangered animal.
  48. Clean up trash along one of our creeks or rivers.
  49. Work on the nature trail.
  50. Set up a habitat for a particular species.
  51. Work on a physical fitness campaign.
  52. Pet-sit for someone or walk a dog for a sick neighbor.
  53. Volunteer to help with Sunday school/church services.
  54. Work at a vacation bible school.
  55. Get trained to be a peer counselor or mediator.
  56. Send letters to overseas soldiers.
  57. Volunteer at the Anderson County Library.
  58. Participate in a walk-a-thon or other events for charity.
  59. Volunteer in long term care at the Anderson County Hospital.
  60. Donate to the Anderson County Library book sale.
  61. Donate goods to a charity garage sale.
  62. Help collect essential supplies for “Missions of Hope”.
  63. Start a club that is open to the community.
  64. Give Blood.
  65. Volunteer to help with community sports programs.
  66. Organize a project for National Youth Service Day.
  67. Write a letter to the editor about an issue you care about.
  68. Bring someone with you when you volunteer.
  69. Organize a historical tour of part of Anderson County.
  70. Adopt an angel from an angel tree – or
  71. Get together with friends and adopt a family for Christmas.
  72. Get CPR and First Aid certification.
  73. Participate in an Adopt-A-Highway program
  74. Hold a teddy bear drive for At-Risk children.
  75. Sing for residents at a nursing home.
  76. Bake cookies and donate them to local volunteers.
  77. Start a neighborhood welcome committee.
  78. Volunteer to work at Wild West Days
  79. Work at the GES or Greeley Grade PTO Events
  80. Help Out at your county fair
  81. Work with a hunter’s education or species preservation group.
  82. Volunteer at one of our local museums.
  83. Get together with some friends and spruce up a local cemetery.
  84. Join the Community Band.
  85. Help with the Rotary (or other) charity auction.
  86. Work at an ice cream social.
  87. Work at a food booth or concession stand.
  88. Volunteer to help at Westphalia Days.
  89. Help out with the “Fish Trot”.
  90. Get a group together to paint playground equipment.
  91. Help the Lions, Rotary etc. with a soup supper.
  92. Hand out programs and greet people at a community event.
  93. Help a new student get acquainted with ACHS.
  94. Organize or work at a haunted house.
  95. Make a dinner for a needy family.
  96. Mow a lawn that needs it.
  97. Help an older resident winterize their home.
  98. Volunteer to take kids around on Halloween.
  99. Make Valentines cards for residents at a nursing home.
  100. Make May baskets for neighbors to let them know you care.
  101. Help “serve” at Chamber Players performances